Friday, April 10, 2015


With the NYC Marathon just over 6 months away I am going to start complementing the weekly Bro Session WOD announcements with a weekly Endurance WOD. This will typically be running biased although weather permitting we may wind up doing some rowing as an alternate. That being said there are many other endurance based events that will start to pop up as we get further into the Spring and Summer months so if anyone is interested in training for those these WODs will be useful for those as well. Keep in mind too these WODs can be adjusted for cycling, swimming and so one so do not hesitate to ask us for advice on how this would work. If anyone is looking for a change in their programming we do offer the full CrossFit Endurance Model. Please ask us for details if you are interested in individualized and customized programming. That being said we are going to kick things off with:

5K Time Trial

This will give us some good feedback on where you are as we come out of the winter doldrums here. Once we have this data we can start to adjust our weekly prescription for running based specific workouts. Make sure you perform a comprehensive warm-up with some active/functional flexibility and even some Pose Running Drills (if you are unfamiliar with these drills please ask us for details). This run will be done on your own to start but we do have some routes already mapped out for your convenience if you need them. Good luck, have fun and report back to us.

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